Whose Responsibility Is Your Health?
Posted Jun 08, 2023 at 14:06
Posted Jun 08, 2023 at 14:06
I want everyone to answer this question “Whose responsibility is your health?”
If you’ve answered anything other than “My own” I want you to read this blog!
I wholeheartedly mean that, even if you put a caveat like “ mine except for …” or “ Mine and …”
Your health is your responsibility, others may be accountable for the outcome for areas of your health depending on the role they play, such as a surgeon, GP or Chiropractor.
But the responsibility lies with the person whose health it is.
That doesn't mean you are accountable for everything that happens to you.
Sh*t things happen to amazing people that negatively affect their health in drastic ways, That can’t always be helped.
But it’s the responsibility of the individual to respond as best they can and take whatever steps are needed to resolve the situation they are in.
I find that clients often get accountability and responsibility confused, whether that be by mistake or on purpose sometimes.
The fact that there is the possibility of “getting hit by a car tomorrow”, as people sometimes point out, shouldn't subtract from trying to lead the healthiest life possible.
Because on that note if you have the chance of being struck by a car tomorrow, you also have the option of living to 110 years old.
I know which one I would prefer to base my decision on, dying spontaneously tomorrow ro living forever.
It’s definitely not the first one!
What I'm trying to get at is this.
We are not in control of the things that happen to us, we are responsible to how we react to them.
Have your actions or reactions been helpful towards resolving the issue, or have you been self sabotaging yourself, compounding the effects of what has been uncontrollably bestowed on you.
An analogy I’ve stolen from James Smith always comes to mind “If you're driving and you get a flat tire from a nail. Do you A) replace it and head to a garage, or, B) get a knife out and stab the other 3?”
Apply that to your health.
If your family and friends all have bad backs, do you think “f*ck it” they all do so that means i will and do nothing about it, or, do you think “i’m going to eat better, sleep more, and get adjusted so my back stands a better chance than theirs.