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Your progress visit is one of the most important milestones in your care journey.
Not everyone reaches that point. Even people that start the first chapter of care, some drop out part way through for various reasons. But if you complete the first chapter and make it to your progress visit, then you should be very proud of yourself, as you've done the hard bit.
The main aim of the progress visit is to assess how much your nervous system has changed and improved over the last 16-48 sessions, and to determine what your body needs to maintain these changes and keep progressing.
The reason we split your care up into 3 chapters is because we don't have a crystal ball. We don't know what your function will be like after 2-4 months of care, so we can't give you a long term recommendation right from the beginning.
Chapter 1 is about improving your foundation. You can't build a house on sand. There's no point changing the light bulb if there's no electricity. Its the same for your body. We have to improve your brain and nervous system function before we improve your muscle and joints.
At your progress visit, your vitality score will be retested. This is the 10 measure written in the front of your booklet. We take many factors into consideration, but our recommendation will always be based off how high your vitality testing is.
Once we know how well your system is now functioning, we need to set some goals. These may be progressions of your original goals, like running 10 miles now as you've already achieved 5. Or they may be completely different. We need to know where you see yourself and your health heading, so we can tailor our recommendation to help you achieve it.
Everyone will need some type of care after their progress visit. Chances are you're still working the same job, living in the same house, driving the same car, in the same relationship, eating the same food etc as you were a few months ago when you started this journey. This means your still in the same environment that was contributing to your stress, and therefore your symptoms. Unless all of this changes, you will still need care to make sure your body can function well despite these stresses.
We're all different, but we're all still human. We all still have the same basic needs, and we all share very similar types of stress.
If you want to achieve optimal health, its a journey you will be on for the rest of your life, but it won't always look the same.