Understanding Neuroplasticity

Posted Mar 11, 2022 at 08:56

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We know that regular spinal adjustments have positive effects on your body’s ability to function properly and to heal itself. They help you reduce pain and prevent injuries. It can help you sleep better , reduce stress & helps your brain to learn new things and adapt, an ability known as neuroplasticity. Let’s take a deeper look.

What is neuroplasticity?

To understand how our care helps your brain lets first understand neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to adapt to changes in your environment by forming new neural connections over time. It’s how children learn to walk, talk, read, dress themselves and much more. Even as adults, we learn new skills and recipes, we adapt to new situations and process information to adapt to new ways of thinking. Our brain’s ability to process information and stimuli and convert that into thoughts, behaviors and abilities relies on being able to form new neural connections, which is neuroplasticity in a nutshell.

The role of neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity usually happens on its own, with no need for outside help. Many people struggle with neuroplasticity, especially those with Alzheimer’s or dementia, stroke victims and victims of head or spinal injuries. Losing abilities to speak, eat and remember things is known as negative neuroplasticity, which also leads to negative impacts on emotional and mental health.

Some negative neuroplasticity can be changed, though. Otherwise healthy people who are generally pessimistic or depressed can change the way they think and react to situations and emotions. To do that, though, your brain has to be healthy and be able to form new neural pathways. Regular spinal adjustments havve bene shown to activate your Prefrontal Cortex and change brain firing patterns.



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