Do You Remember Your Back Pain?

Posted Sep 23, 2024 at 13:29

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Most people who come to any one of our three clinics share similar issues. Something hurts. Many come in complaining of discomfort in one of their joints, whether it be a hip, knee, or shoulder, or anywhere along the spine (the back, neck, or both). Some people come to us for preventative care so they can avoid pain and symptoms before they happen, but most come in seeking relief from either acute or chronic pain.


People seek our services mostly to alleviate pain that is interfering with their daily lives. They may feel more isolated, frustrated, and anxious as a result of their pain, which is making it harder for them to work or engage in social activities, prevents them from exercising, and disrupts their relationships with their partners or children. Nothing is more rewarding and satisfying than returning to pursuits and things you enjoy that were previously restricted by pain. Things like getting back into swimming, kicking the football around with the kids, tending to the garden, or even just getting out of bed or walking around pain-free are among them.  


Many of the people we serve come to us because they are currently experiencing pain or other symptoms that are preventing them from exercising to their usual level, or from exercising as much as they would like in order to reduce weight and improve their fitness. Reduced risk of serious illness, improved energy, mood, sleep, and mobility, less joint discomfort, and enhanced mobility are among benefits of losing weight. Starting with small, achievable amounts of exercise is typically enough to generate momentum towards larger health goals. Something as basic and inexpensive as going for a walk or finding a yoga or exercise session on YouTube is always an excellent place to start. And once you get started, you may discover that it is easier to adjust your eating habits for the better, bringing you closer to your weight reduction and health goals.


Everyone around you, especially your family and friends, will reap the benefits of your improved mobility—less pain, more ease, and improved quality of life. Being present and engaged with family members is crucial, and we have witnessed the happiness it has brought to numerous individuals who have shared our care. Grandparents and parents have found joy in spending more time with their children and grandchildren now that they are able to play and participate in activities without pain.


It may take more time than anticipated to achieve the goals set when treatment begins. This is due to a variety of factors, including the nature of the problem, the duration of symptoms, the presence or absence of an underlying problem, the speed of tissue healing, overall health, and the efficiency of your nervous system. You may also encounter flare-ups or setbacks along the way, which can be discouraging. During this time, keep your initial motivations in mind and persevere as your body adapts to new muscle activation, as well as changes in how your body moves and loads. Recognise that your body is undergoing adaptation and change, and celebrate in the progress you have achieved so far.  


Chiropractic care is just one component of Peak's holistic approach for your health's long-term success. In addition to hands-on therapy, we keep you focused on achieving your goals by guiding, coaching, and holding you accountable along the way. Our objective is for you to combine chiropractic care with other beneficial lifestyle choices until you achieve your ideal state of health. Until it becomes your lifestyle. And the route to optimal health is a marathon, not a sprint. Neither a magic pill nor an exercise routine nor a single miraculous adjustment will solve the problem. Remember how long it took to put you in pain; there is no quick means to reverse the damage that has occurred.  It will take time for your body to change, heal, and function at its best again so you can live the life you desire. If you are interested in starting a path to better health and pain relief, we encourage you to schedule an initial consultation with one of our skilled clinicians.

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