Want To Excel in 2023... Start Now!

Posted Nov 02, 2022 at 18:37

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If you want to make sure 2023 is your best year so far…. START NOW.

The key to success is in the preparation, and there’s no better time to start preparing than now!

Fitness and/or weight loss goals are normally at the top of most peoples’ list come January. 

The problem is most people take 2 or 3 weeks to get going into the new year, then they have to sign up to a gym, get into a routine, watch enough youtube videos to learn what to do etc. 

By that point it's mid February now they have 6 weeks less to achieve that goal body that they already underestimated would take 12 weeks to achieve. F*ck that's half your time.

SO! Why not start now?

Honestly, why not start now?

Ask yourself, and please, please, please, don't use the same excuses I hear every year;

1) There’s no point starting before christmas because I’ll eat and drink too much so i’ll start after. 

Solution; This is the most illogical statement there is. If anything, lose 3lb before christmas so when you gain 6lb back you're at a net +3lb gain instead of a net +6lb gain, and you made X amount of good habits beforehand.

2) I'm too busy over the Christmas period with work dos’, seeing family, traveling etc.

Solution; Eating better takes no more time at all. Eating a banana takes just as much time as a Mars bar. If anything, eat less and it’ll save you time. Yes it wont be the most productive or ideal time with traveling etc, but it will get you ahead of the game and create good habits.

3) There’s always chocolates brought into the office by customers or staff so there’s no point.

Solution; Unfortunately, only you can help with this one. To achieve a goal you need continuous, sustained effort. Starting with will power. 

For our 200+ members why not use your FREE consultation call with Matt James of 300 fitness, which would normally cost £97!! 

The foundations for an awesome 2023 are built now, so come come the New Year you are ready to continue. 


Don’t delay your own happiness in the present, till the future, for circumstances under your control.

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