The number 1 way I would improve myself

Posted Nov 02, 2022 at 18:15

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If I could attribute one habit to my personal growth over recent years it would be Reading.

By reading I don't mean the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings Series, although I'm sure they are very good. Reading the “boring stuff”, personal development, psychology, sociology books that help you understand yourself better.

Interestingly I used to hate reading. Until the age of 21 I probably read 1 or 2 books and probably not all the way through. I thought it was boring and pointless.

Now I have 2 or 3 books being read at once, because I can't wait to finish one to start another. Not only is reading amazing for the things you learn, or tips you pick up but they also help you to gain a better understanding of who you are and what makes you tick.

Now if i were to say i’m always reading something, that would be a lie. Like anyone, there are periods of good habits and bad times when I can read 6 books a month and none for 3 months.

Yet I'm still amazed, the differences when I return to the good habit. It makes me wonder why I stopped in the first place. 

Whether to be conscious awareness, the power of the universe or law of attraction, when I start to read, the world and my head become much clearer. 

My actions and thoughts align better with who I am, my life improves and thus, so do those I engage with. 

It’s like I have taken rose tinted lenses off and im seeing the world more clearly.

I know when I read, other good habits follow; I meditate more, my self talk is better, my feeling of self worth is better, my sleeping schedule improves, i'm more energised. It’s amazing.

Now we know good habits attract more good habits, just like negative habits attract the same. But reading, for me, is the catalyst to great things. 

And for that reason I encourage everybody to read!

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